Retikular varicose veins - a puppet of small circuits that are red, blue, purple, and fade through the skin. They can occur on the face, stomach, chest, but the most common localization - lower limbs.
What are the retinal varicose veinsIn the human body, blood circulated according to arteries, veins, capillaries, veins. The artery is the largest ships of the circulatory system. They are connected to the veins. The smallest vessels are veins. In subcutaneous limbs, surface intermediate veins are noticeable. Their diameter is larger than the diameter of the capillaries, but less than the diameter of the body veins. Such a vein net is called retina. In other words, retinal veins are small millimeters that can be seen under the skin on the legs.
There are valves in each vein. They filtered the direction of blood motion and its mass. There is only one valve in the retinal vein. If it is deformed, the veins are expanded, twisted and proceeded with a larger blood mass. Venous pressure in the mesh layer of the skin increases due to blood accumulation in a certain area. Lack of ice cream development and venous vein formation formed - a puppet of small circuits that are red, blue, purple, fading through the skin.
Where the network usually appearsThe blood vessels of small vessels can occur on the face, abdomen, chest, but the most common localization - the lower limbs.
Retikulars on the foot are found:
On the rear surface of the knee joint. Spider web is observed in young women;
on the upper part of the leg;
on the inside of the hip;
On the ankles.
Causes and risk factors for the development of varicose veinsUsually, the disease is observed in women. Activation is a hemodynamic violation. Due to the fact that the valve is deformed, the blood begins to circulate in the opposite direction. The puppets of the blood vessels were overwhelmed, and the blood was delayed. Because of this, the walls of the vessels expand, become brighter and more noticeable through the skin.
It can be ahead by this state:
Hormonal leaps. The decrease in estrogen and the development of progesterone leads to loss of tones and expand blood vessels, blood clotting quickly and reducing plasma resistance. Flobopathy is developing. This process is often observed in pregnant women, as well as in women taking birth control pills.
Hereditary. Therefore, the change in the connective tissue is transmitted along the women's road, therefore, with varicose veins in the mother or grandmother, the risk of expanding retinal vessels has been at a young age.
Download download. In people working or standing, diagnosis is done more often. Varicose veins of both limbs are observed between office workers, accounting, dynamics, hairdressers, teachers.
Regular flights on the plane. With aviation tourism due to increased pressure in the atmosphere, the melody of blood vessels and blood flow in the network changes.
The development of the disease becomes more serious due to smoking, obesity, arterial hypertension, second pregnancy and then, taking corticosteroids, cirrhosis, systematic sclerosis.
TokenThe disease in the initial stage conducted potential. You may doubt the retinal shape of varicose veins of the lower limbs in the pale purple skin. The thin veins in the sample appears on the foot:
A tree -like shape (from a facility, many branches to left and right);
Web or star (ship departing from the center in different directions);
Line (even blood vessels).
Branial veins are especially noticeable at the end of the day after playing sports, lifting weights, a long stinging position, running or walking long. In the morning, the defect on the foot is invisible.
As the blood flow becomes worse, the symptoms simultaneously become worse:
Uncomfortable in the calf muscles. Cramps do not voluntarily occur suddenly and overcome after limb massage;
Severity and fatigue in the legs;
Burning and itching in the legs and legs.
The clinic manifests stronger during menstruation due to increased blood flow.
Symptoms that fade after resting with lifting legs. Unlike varicose veins, pain, edema and booty dysfunction.
Danger of retinal vein veinsIn many cases, patients do not pay attention to blood vessels and do not rush to the doctor. In fact, there are no symptoms, so women write down the visibility of veins on a cosmetic defect.
If you do not start treatment at the initial stage, the shortage of valve valve of deep -body veins will grow. The varicose veins of the branches of BPV are especially dangerous. A large vein under the skin runs along the intermediate side of the leg and connects to the femoral vein. When the BPV valve is deformed, varicose veins grow.
By ignoring prolonged problems, deep blood vessels and increased risk of trophic ulcer.
Diagnosis methodThe diagnosis is set by a real doctor. He checked the patient to lie and stand. Doctors need to distinguish retinal varicose veins from Telangiectasia, the initial phase of Lvedo grid, Clippel-Teenone syndrome, Maffuchchi syndrome, Bloom syndrome, Stains Port.
An ultrasound in the parallel mode is prescribed. With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the vein valves is evaluated. The diagnosis is set to violate retinal blood flow, that is, there is obstruction and reflux of the surface vessels.
Conduct Uzdg. Dopplerography shows blood changes. During the scan, the doctor asked to hold his breath, strangled, simulated lying. On the screen, the images of green and red ships are displayed. Red shows the length of the pathology and green - the function of the vein valve. The direction and speed of blood motion are specified.
Retinal vein treatmentIn the treatment of a varicose vein in the early stages, the result is favorable.
First, a doctor Phlebist prescribed medication to improve blood flow, along with compressive therapy.
Drug therapyIncluding venotonics' eating based on rutoside, heparin, troxerutine, diosmin. They adjust the flow of lymph, enhance blood vessels, normalize the permeability of blood vessels, increase venous sound, prevent convulsions and develop spoils disorders.
Depending on the number of networks, the doctor choosesCompressive. For subcutaneous veins in the lower legs, should wear therapeutic action underwear. If the spider on the back of the knee appears, bandage with elastic ice or wearing compressed pants of class A.
If the number of networks increases and blood vessels is noticeable even after rest, they start handling lower limbs by hardware method.
Laser therapyIt includes the effect of a beam of light on a bunch of blood vessels. Laser heat venous, due to the inner surface of the ship destroyed. Blood does not flow through this vein. To achieve results, you need to pass 2-3 procedures with a period of 2-3 weeks. After 12 hours of processing, you cannot download it, sunbathe in the sun, bathe and take a shower. Laser coagulation has a disadvantage. If your doctor will affect the same website for a long time, you may burn. This method is effective for blood vessels below 1 mm.
With the expansion of more than 3 mm veins, it is prescribedSclerotic therapy. It includes the introduction of a special SCLEROSANT into the vein's heart under the control of ultrasound. The walls of the walls, so the blood supply to the pathology area ends. To treat varicose veins, a substance in the form of foam used. The procedure does not hurt, because the injection is done by the best needles. Perhaps burning at the time of using the drug. After the injection, a tight bandage is pulled. Cool bath and remove compressed linen is allowed on the same day.
Micro micro is not done with a type of retinopathy.
Treatment will not be effective if you do not eliminate the root cause. Oboor people need to adjust the weight to reduce the load on the leg. Office workers need to pause, get up and take a walk every hour. Fans of high shoes should wear comfortable shoes with wide blocks and heel heels not exceeding 5 cm.
Treatment of varicose veins in the doctor's clinic:Endogenous laser coagulation (EVVK)
If you have varicose veins, this does not mean that you will have to perform! New medical technologies allow you to get rid of this disease without surgery.
Sclerotic therapy
Sclerosis is a method to treat varicose veins by putting sclerosis (special medicine) into the affected veins.
This technique is used in case necessary to store large veins.
Foam sclerosis therapy
Foam technology (foam therapy) is used to "link" varicose veins with a diameter of up to 6 mm.
Movie therapy
The latest and unique method to fight varicose veins at any size.
Sticky venous veins
Non -surgical treatment for chronic veins and varicose veins by using vein biology.
PreventIf there is a genetic tendency for the development of the disease, it is advisable to perform simple daily exercises to maintain peripheral blood circulation:
In a position on the wall and hold upright for 5-10 minutes;
In the morning after waking up, roll the bicycle and make the swing right and right together;
Walk right away, while you cannot tear your heel from the floor;
In the location down, raise the legs and rotate with the leg;
After lifting from the bed, ten cracks from the toes to the heel and from the heel to the toe.
Each exercise must be done 10-15 times daily.
To maintain normal blood flow, do not sit on your feet. If the job is sedentary, then you should put a roller at your feet and keep them on your head.
A contrasting shower in the morning, but you need to start gradually. Every day you need to adjust the temperature of 1-2 degrees.
If there are single extensions, to prevent the appearance of varicose veins will help reject salt products. It is worth limiting the consumption of smoked meat, marinated, pickles.