Varicose veins massage

The scourge of modern man in primitive times is varicose veins. This disease reduces the quality of life, manifested by increased fatigue, worsening, swollen legs, unsightly, especially for women. Varicose veins can be completely cured by surgery alone. To maintain the lower extremities in a normal state and slow down the progression of the disease, doctors recommend comprehensive conservative treatment. Some massage on the legs with varicose veins, along with medication, compression hosiery and physical activity will give good results in the early stages of the disease.

Can you massage your legs with varicose veins?

When asked if it is okay to massage the legs with varicose veins, the doctors replied - absolutely possible and necessary. But with some reservations. The procedure will be beneficial only at the early stages of the disease. The obvious nodes and network of blood vessels should not be touched, it can be life-threatening and cause serious deterioration of the condition.

Protruding tortuous veins are an absolute contraindication to any physical impact. Varicose veins in such cases are complicated by phlebitis, in which blood clots form. As a result of the physical impact, there is a risk of dissolving the clot and the blockage of important blood vessels caused by it.

Foot massage can be done at home to treat varicose veins. Self-massage also helps a lot - you can do it even while working to reduce fatigue and recover effectively.

In some cases, it is permissible to use a massager, but only after consulting a phlebologist.

Professional massage for varicose veins

How does massage work for diseases?

There are several techniques used for varicose veins and they are all gentle. Effect of massage on varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • improves blood and lymph flow through the vessels;
  • enhances the outflow of fluid from the tissues, reduces swelling of the extremities;
  • by reducing swelling, the pressure on the vessels is reduced, which improves blood flow;
  • eliminate heaviness and pain;
  • reduce fatigue;
  • prevents the appearance of the vascular network.

Increased blood flow improves the nutrition of muscles and all layers of the skin, tightens blood vessels, strengthens vessel walls. As a result of the massage, stagnation disappears. This procedure has the same effect as medical gymnastics.

Rules for effective and safe foot massage

Foot massage for varicose veins is a delicate matter, requiring certain knowledge and skills. The doctor should tell how to do it alone correctly. But it's best to trust a physical therapist. Basic rules:

  • eliminate rough impact on the surface of the legs and massage the varicose area;
  • in classical manual massage, oil is used to better glide the masseuse's hands;
  • massage technique - gentle stroking in a circular motion, eliminating pressure;
  • Massage lines are always directed from bottom to top - from the foot along the shin to the knee and from the knee to the upper thigh.

Massaging lymphatic drainage does not require the use of oils or creams. At home for self-massage, an anti-varicose ointment can be used as a carrier oil.

Prepare for the procedure

The patient is placed on a flat surface. For the masseuse's convenience, a special massage table is used. If the back surface of the foot is being machined, a roller is placed under the foot. To massage the anterior surface, the patient lies on his or her back, and rollers are placed under the feet and knees. At home, before the massage, you can sit for 10-15 minutes, raise your legs to reduce mild swelling.

prepare for massage with varicose veins

Types of massages

In the treatment, several massage techniques are used, which are performed manually or with the help of a special device. Classical massage techniques and varicose veins are compatible when there are still no outward signs of disease, but there is a subjective feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. The courses are carried out according to each course daily or every other day with the number of 10-12 sessions. Massage techniques to treat varicose veins should be prescribed by a vascular specialist.

Lymphatic drainage

According to doctors, the most effective way to massage against varicose veins is lymphatic drainage. It should be done by a specialist, since the technique provides for the study of areas of the location of the lymph nodes and the passage of the lymphatic vessels. The massage starts with the buttocks and thighs, then the shins and finally the feet.

lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins

Gently rubbing the skin and pressing with the palm of the hand, the masseur will travel along the lymphatic vessels, stimulating the flow of accumulated fluid and cleansing the tissues of toxins. It is not possible to practice lymphatic drainage massage every day. The course begins with 1 session per week and is gradually increased to 3 times, if tolerated well by the patient. You should do at least 15 procedures in total.

Fight against sagging fat

There are two anti-cellulite massage techniques that can be used for varicose veins:

  • lymphatic drainage (it was mentioned above);
  • vacuum (it will be discussed below).

Vacuum massage has several techniques. It is impossible to prescribe this type of massage on your own, as a rule it is forbidden to patients with varicose veins. It is highly discouraged to do it in a salon without consulting a doctor.


Like vacuum massage, honey massage has its pros and cons among doctors. On the one hand, honey has a beneficial effect on tissues, improves blood circulation and nutrition, reduces swelling. On the other hand, massaging with honey for varicose veins of the legs can be dangerous - the thick viscosity makes the effect intensifying. Therefore, it is better to use it for the purpose of prevention and relief of fatigue and heaviness in the limbs.

honey massage for varicose veins

Implement the rules:

  • massage is carried out no more than once every seven days;
  • liquid honey is used for it (you can warm it a little in a water bath);
  • honey is not applied to places with a vascular network;
  • after the honey is distributed on the skin, it is gently rubbed with light kneading movements;
  • Extra massage is done with patting.


Self-massage is a good way to get out of a situation where there is no chance to go to a massage parlor. As an element of a comprehensive treatment, self-massage of the legs with varicose veins will provide a feeling of relief and help prevent the development of pathology. Efficiency:

  • massage is performed in a sitting position with legs spread wide;
  • if one leg is affected by varicose veins, start massaging with a healthy limb;
  • direction of movement - from foot to knee and above;
  • the first movements are a gentle stroke, then a slight increase in pressure (as if you were pushing the liquid up from the bottom);
  • followed by first skin tingling, followed by subcutaneous fatty tissue capture;
  • End the procedure by shaking and stroking the muscle.

Shake your feet a little after finishing the massage. Sessions for each leg should last no more than 10 minutes. With the help of varicose veins self-massage, you can relieve fatigue and pain, get rid of edema. You need to do it every day.

Self-massage for varicose veins


Hydromassage for varicose veins is not only a useful method, but also a very pleasant procedure. You can also do it yourself. The basic rules are simple:

  • if using a contrast shower, start with warm (not hot! ) water;
  • pressure must be moderate;
  • do not hold the jet on certain parts of the legs;
  • movement should be small circle;
  • Do not shower directly into varicose veins.
hydromassage under the shower to treat varicose veins

Start massaging your feet, watering in a circular motion. Then move rhythmically down the leg, directing the rays from bottom to top according to the flow of venous blood. Take a minute for your knee - massage it in a circular motion. Do the same with the other leg. Finally, it is helpful to massage the reflex area - the lower back with a shower.


Acupressure massage is the impact on biological acupuncture points on the legs. Its second name is Tibetan. Stimulating the points gives the following results:

  • improve local metabolism;
  • eliminate muscle spasms;
  • restores blood flow and tightens blood vessels;
  • improve the protective functions of the body.

Usually performed for the feet, but sometimes other parts of the legs are also involved. It should be done by a professional who knows the location of the reflection points.

Foot massage

Massaging the feet strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the flow of fluids, and brings a feeling of fatigue to the feet. The massage process begins with the toes, then rubs the soles and insteps. You need to start with a light swipe, gradually increasing the intensity and tempo. Foot massage is only effective if the procedure is done regularly.

foot massage for varicose veins


Another technique that gives good results for varicose veins is Taoist massage. It includes a light effect on the surface of the legs with rounded strokes. A mixture of base and essential oils is preliminarily applied to the skin.

foot massage for varicose veins

Perform the movement from feet to hips, 10 times each repetition. The method of foot massage for people with varicose veins at home is performed 1 time / week for 30 days.

Unwanted massage

Not all massages are indicated for varicose veins, even in its early stages. The ban was due to their aggressive technique, which violated the integrity of the vessels.

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum massage for varicose veins can only be done with hardware. Modern equipment for this process provides for the establishment of an individual program. The invention of the Frenchman Louis Paul Guite (his initials - LPG - and the technique is named after) revolutionized cosmetology and brought a number of benefits from a medical point of view. LPG massage for varicose veins or vacuum roller massage definitely improves blood circulation in the lower extremities by stimulating lymphatic flow and destroying fat deposits.

But massage against varicose veins is necessary and must be taken with great care and only after a physical examination. Vacuum massage is mainly used for disease prevention. It is beneficial only at the first symptoms of varicose veins with complete consistency of the venous valves, when there are no external manifestations of the disease. There is still not enough consensus among doctors about the safety of LPG massage for varicose veins.

The exposure technique consists in the fact that the puller, performed along the predetermined parts of the leg, pulls the skin folds due to the vacuum. Inside the machine, there are two rollers that move in opposite directions, kneading the subcutaneous fat layer according to the captured folds. With the help of a computer program, you can adjust the shooting depth and the intensity of the rollers' movement. It is not allowed to affect the inner side of the thighs and the skin of the legs.

vacuum massage for varicose veins


Cupping massage is a type of vacuum massage. In principle, this procedure has been known for a long time - in the past, banks were used to cure coughs and bronchitis. The principle of operation is the same - annoyingly distracting. Cupping massage is used as an anti-cellulite method.

With varicose veins, it is clearly contraindicated. Under the action of a vacuum, the capillaries are destroyed (that's why bruises form on the skin after canning). And in the first stage of varicose veins, it is the small vessels that first suffer the consequences. It is better not to take the risk and prefer a safer type of therapeutic massage.


Another type of massage that is prohibited for varicose veins is the Thai style. Its essence is to act on reflex points. But the method itself is unacceptable for sick vessels. The pressing is done not only with your hands but also with your elbows, knees or wrists. There is a risk of injury not only to superficially diseased vessels, but also to possible compression of the deep veins.


Like any remedy, massage for varicose veins of the legs has contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis and thrombophlebitis;
  • nutritional ulcer;
  • pronounced venous nodes;
  • dermatitis and itching;
  • inflammatory processes or infectious diseases;
  • high temperature;
  • cancer.

With varicose veins, therapeutic massage will only be beneficial if it is part of a complex therapy and the type and manner of administration is agreed to by your doctor.