Varicose veins of the genital organs

Pain caused by varicose veins of the genital organs in women

Genital varicose veins is a common problem for women of all ages and social roles. She hides from the attention of others, so she rarely gets treated in time. Some patients endure extreme discomfort and pain in the end, embarrassed to consult a doctor about the disease.

The disease does not have a clear gender division. And in men, it happens, but quite rarely. For its appearance in a representation of a strong half of humanity, really important reasons are needed. But in women, genital varicose veins are almost as common as lower limb venous insufficiency or hemorrhoids.

Types of varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins of the npo (lower genitalia) can be classified according to the site.

Varicose vaginal veins

Focal disease occurs on the surface hidden inside the genitals. This makes it invisible in everyday life. Recognizing the presence of varicose veins in such cases is extremely difficult untilVaricose veins of the genital organs in womenuntil it has developed enough to "escape" to more visible parts of the body.

Varicose veins of the upper lip

Swollen veins on the labia and lip area. The appearance of nodules and pains continually interfere with a normal sex life. Sitting with this disorder is painful, accompanied by numbness and itching.

Perineal varicose veins

Most popular. The failure extends not only to the area of ​​the uterus and labia, but also to the organs and tissues adjacent to the genitals. This disfigures the woman's appearance, brings a lot of suffering for the woman and can lead to serious problems in the future.

Symptoms of genital varicose veins

The disease begins to be imperceptible. Gradually, it increases in strength and leads to the appearance of serious circulatory disorders in the genitals. Symptoms of varicose veins in the genitals are very specific and easy to recognize. If you do not get treatment in time, your initial health can be very difficult to recover, or even impossible. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the first signs.

Numbness in the groin

Paralysis is almost continuous. They are especially strong when seated.

Decreased libido

Affected vessels cannot perform the function of supplying blood to the genitals. Varicose veins of the genital organs lead to tissue atrophy, reducing their sensitivity.

Itching, pain and discomfort

The inflammation affects nearby nerve ends.Discomfort and flatulence - symptoms of varicose veins of the genital organsThis causes sudden pains in the lower abdomen, perineum.

Swelling and bloating

The inner surface of the vagina, labia, increases in size. This makes sex life difficult, painful, and uncomfortable.

Appearance of spider veins on the genitalia

The outward signs of varicose veins were accurately manifested by small wounds on the skin. These signs are clearly visible on examination by a gynecologist.

Vein swollen, lumps and knots appear

Varicose veins of the female genitalia in a severe stage deforming the entire groin area. The feeling with this disease at the stage of appearance and development of cones is very uncomfortable and painful. Varicose veins are not limited to the intimate area. They spread to nearby areas - the inner thighs, the lower abdomen.

Cause of the disease

Pregnancy is the most common cause of illness. The fetus presses on all internal organs and blood vessels. Can varicose veins of genitals be caused? This is unpredictable. Every woman's ability to resist persistent negative physical influences differs. While waiting for a child, some women are assigned to rest, which does not mean complete inactivity. Due to the constant compression of blood vessels, this dangerous condition develops at a high rate. During childbirth, varicose veins can become a threat to a woman's health and life.

Women without children also experience varicose veins in the genitals. The following reasons can be distinguished:

  • Overweight.
  • Excessive use of physical exertion.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary.
  • Gastrointestinal problems, therefore episiotomy frequently (constipation and diarrhea).
  • In a hot room, sit on a hot surface.
  • Hereditary tendency to dilate blood vessels.
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • The valve systems of the whole body veins are weak.
  • Hormone therapy taken over a long period of time can cause genital varicose veins and other disorders in the circulatory system.


Self-diagnosis is only possible when the disease is fully developed. Then, when its signs were ignored to the point that they could be seen and felt.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by special studies.

Ultrasound of the genital area with a sensor
  • Visually observed when the gynecologist examines the initial result. An experienced doctor can immediately recognize a suspicion of genital varicose veins. The doctor, if there is any doubt about the health of a woman's veins, will refer the specialist specialist in this field.
  • Ultrasound of the genital area with a sensor to check the outside and inside (inside the vagina).
  • Phlebography is performed to study the state of blood vessels, to test their function.
  • Doppler ultrasound shows effective state of the genital veins and neighboring tissues.

Classic varicose vein treatment


Complex drug therapy is used to treat varicose veins in the female genitals.

Pain symptoms are relieved with pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs (including ointments and gels). And to prevent blood clots and improve the functioning of blood vessels, special antiplatelet agents are prescribed by the vein doctor.


The most common treatments for venous diseases are lasers and radio frequency coagulation. With their help, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the veins in the affected area.

In addition, it is impossible not to mention venousectomy - an operation to shape the normal lumen of the veins and their location.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicines have a very good complementary and preventive effect. In the absence of formal medical intervention, alternative varicose treatments give good results.


A rare wild plant obtained by the herbalists of the forest. Its extracts have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Badan fluid in water is used for douching and medical tampons (inserting a liquid swab into the vagina at night).

Milk and honey to douche

Milk and honey

The milk and honey douching method is great for reducing inflammation, but it can cause a violation of the microflora. 0. 5 liters of boiled milk with 1 teaspoon of honey. After cooling to body temperature, the solution is poured into the vagina using a syringe.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is a well known topical anti-inflammatory agent. Tampons with this oil can be placed in the vagina and applied to the affected area for a long time.

Infused essential oils, oak bark, shepherd's wallet

Used to eliminate inflammation and reduce swelling.

Self-medicating with traditional medicine is not a substitute for complete medical intervention. In the modern world, there are many tools for getting rid of the disease at an advanced stage. While folk remedies are only effective in the early stages of the disease and do not guarantee an end to the development of the disease.

Danger and Complications

Varicose veins of female genitalia can have many dire consequences.


Violation of blood circulation in the genitals interrupted their work. Swollen tissues interfere with the movement of germ cells, causing the pelvic organs, uterus and fetus to develop inadequately. Due to varicose veins, pregnancy can end spontaneously.

Broken circuit at childbirth

Vessels with damaged walls are very fragile. It is very dangerous during childbirth. Internal bleeding that occurs isn't always noticeable. In ancient times, this was the most common cause of high mortality in women after childbirth. To prevent varicose veins, doctors decide how to deliver a baby with varicose veins. Most likely, you will have a caesarean section to avoid the wound where the pain is.

Minimize sex drive

The physiological reason to increase the attractiveness and pleasure during sex is the ability of the pelvic organs to fill with blood. With lesions of the veins, this is simply not possible. You may still be cold by not paying attention to the condition of your veins.

Modern medicine has learned to prevent such consequences, but they are too serious to ignore. It is essential, even before the disease develops, taking preventive measures will help you avoid future problems.


Prevention in case of varicose veins is the best option. Having appeared once, the disease will begin to haunt a person for the rest of his life. Prevention of the appearance of varicose veins of the genital organs, first of all, is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, not to allow varicose veins to develop.

Sports help "disperse" the blood, improve the general tone of muscles and blood vessels. People living an active life are always healthier and healthier. But you don't have to torture yourself with unnecessary stress. Everything should be in moderation.

And of course, we must not forget about the doctor's observations. Routine physical exams by narrow specialists around the world are considered good practice.

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